Daniel Kahlin: Music/E-Pa-Pop-Poppers Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 21:37 (Stockholm)



Epa-pop-poppers are Daniel Kahlin and Patrik Wallström.
E-Pa-Pop-Poppers - Synkad och Glad 3.56 (18 May 1996)
Written and produced by Daniel Kahlin and Patrik Wallström.
As it appears on the compact disc "Quarnevalens CD 1996".
Originally recorded to DAT. Transferred digitally from CD.
Synkad och Glad (Synchronized and Happy)
Copyright © 1996 Daniel Kahlin and Patrik Wallström
Martin Rössel - Synkad & Glad (Goa Train Remix) 4.23 (18 May 1996)
Written by Daniel Kahlin and Patrik Wallström, remixed by Martin Rössel.
As it appears on the compact disc "Quarnevalens CD 1996".
Originally recorded to DAT. Transferred digitally from CD.
Copyright © 1996 Daniel Kahlin, Patrik Wallström and Martin Rössel
A picture of the temporary studio setup at Patrik's parents place:

Far left: Amiga 4000 running Octamed, next to it a PC used for reading mail.
The tower near the middle: Ensoniq EPS-16+ sampler, Yamaha TG-77, 2*tape deck, CD player and a Mackie mixer on top.
In front of the tower: Yamaha RY-30, and somewhere hidden a Yamaha EMP-100.
In the middle: Fostex R8 8-channel tape recorder. Note the custom designed strobe sync box on top of it.
On the bed to the right: Roland Juno-2, Korg MS-20 & Casio CZ5000.

All songs may be downloaded for personal enjoyment. If you wish to use any of the sounds for something other than just listening to them, please contact me (<daniel at kahlin dot net>)

