Daniel Kahlin: Software/VIC-TRACKER Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 00:10 (Stockholm)


In cooperation with:

Japanese Translation kindly provided by Hally of VORC.

The competition has ended.

The winner is Sjamembi 8 by Anders Carlsson!

Entry   Listen   Length   Author   Arrival   Points
Sjamembi 8   mp3   2:15   Anders Carlsson (Zapac)   2005-10-24   37
Hi, San   mp3   0:51   aneurySm   2005-11-30   26
Load on Vic-20 or emulator with LOAD"<name>",8, then RUN.

VIC-TRACKER is a full-featured tracker-style music editor for the Commodore Vic-20 programmed by Daniel Kahlin.

VIC-TRACKER COMPO 2005 is a friendly competition to squeeze out some interresting music and sounds from one of the most restrictive sound hardware produced.

The Vic-20 has 3 channels of square wave, one channel of noise, and a 4-bit global volume. The frequency is determined by a 7-bit value for each of the 4 channels. The three square wave channels have different frequency ranges. they are one octave apart.

  • Commodore Vic-20 + 16Kb memory expansion
    or emulated in VICE for non Vic-20 and/or non 16Kb expansion owners.
  • 8-bit mindset! :)
  • Both original compositions and covers are allowed. If you submit a cover, the original title and the name of the original author must be included.
  • A participant may submit any number of entries.
  • An entry is allowed to be resubmitted in an improved and/or updated version.
  • Entries must be composed in VIC-TRACKER (preferably version 2.0).
  • Songs will be posted here in compiled, playable form as they arrive.
  • Submitting early is encouraged! :)
  • For voting, songs will be presented both as vic-20 binaries, and as mp3-files.
  • The mp3-files will be recorded using one of the Vic-20 units at my disposal. This unit will be PAL. Entries composed on NTSC systems will appear slightly transposed, but the speed will be the same.
  • Entries shall be submitted in VIC-TRACKER song file form (.vt) by email to <victracker at kahlin dot net>. Alternate forms of submitting entries may also be allowed.
  • By submitting you allow for the song to be used as a demo song for VIC-TRACKER (with proper credits ofcourse).
  • The Competition starts Saturday October the 22nd 2005.
  • Deadline for submitting entries is Wednesday November the 30th 2005 23:59 UTC. (late submissions will be accepted before voting begins)
  • The submitted entries will be put up for voting during Saturday December the 3rd.
  • Voting will be open until Sunday December the 11th 2005.
  • These rules may be updated if necessary.
Visit the official VIC-TRACKER COMPO 2005 thread on the Denial Vic 20 Community for questions and further discussions.
Submissions and other questions may be sent by mail to <victracker at kahlin dot net>.

May the limitations be with you! :)

The VIC-TRACKER COMPO 2005 was enthusiastically mentioned in Earl Evans' Retrobits Podcast Show 017: Mix and Match (6:31 - 9:29). Have a listen!
