Daniel Kahlin: Software/VIC-TRACKER Monday, 31 March 2025, 02:49 (Stockholm)



VIC-TRACKER is a full-featured tracker-style music editor for the Commodore Vic-20. A song compressor/compiler is included which runs on any Unix system and produces Vic-20 assembly source files. VIC-TRACKER is released under the BSD-license. To run victracker you need atleast 16KB expansion memory.

One day in 1994 Mats Wicksell and Daniel Kahlin found an old Vic-20 at a junkyard. Mats picked it up, and Daniel fitted it with a new keyboard. Later that summer VIC-TRACKER was written during one week by Daniel Kahlin with (mostly moral) support from Patrik Wallström and Björn Stenberg. Björn also wrote the demo song. (djungel-zagor.mp3)
In 2001 at the LCP2001 gettogether VIC-TRACKER got the last touch. An intro and an online help system was added.

Requirements for compiling VIC-TRACKER:
dasm-2.12.04 (by Matt Dillon, improved by Olaf Seibert) or any other compatible macro assembler.
pucrunch (by Pasi Ojala)
GNU make
GNU echo

VIC-TRACKER should compile on any Unix-like system, just type 'make' (or 'gmake' on some systems)
To transfer the resulting binary to your vic-20 you can for example use Over5 (by Daniel Kahlin).
These utilities can be found at http://www.kahlin.net/daniel/over5/

Just load the VIC-TRACKER binary on your Vic-20 computer and type RUN.
Note 1: Currently there are no emulators that correctly emulate the Vic-20 sound chip (especially the noise channel). You must use the 'real' thing.
Note 2: The intro will look messed up on NTSC (American) Vic-20's, and in some emulators. Just press SPACE to skip the intro.

If you must use an emulator, VICE as of version 1.9 emulates the intro perfectly, sound is not perfect.

Source code: victracker-1.0.tar.gz
VIC-20 Binary: victracker-1.0.prg
VIC-20 Demo Song: djungel-zagor.vt, djungel-zagor.mp3
Everything as a VIC-20 Disk: victracker-1.0.d64
Contents of the VIC-20 Disk as a zip: victracker-vic20.zip

NOTE: there is a small problem with the original victracker-1.0 that prevents it from running on an NTSC VIC-20. The binary below corrects this. Thanks to Ben Hays for bringing this to my attention.
VIC-20 Binary: victracker-1.0-ntscfix.prg
